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Consultation has concluded
Every year, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government creates and approves a new budget. The one-year period that businesses and governments use for financial reporting, accounting, and budgeting is called the Fiscal Year. For LFUCG, our Fiscal Years start July 1 and end June 30 of the following year. Therefore, Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) began on July 1, 2023 and will end on June 30, 2024.
There are many different actors that are involved throughout the budget process but ultimately the new budget must be adopted by the Urban County Council. Part of that process involves public engagement – an opportunity for residents and community members to tell LFUCG what they would like to see funded in the next year’s budget.
Public comment will be heard in person at the Mayor’s Budget Hearing on Thursday, May 9th at 6 p.m. or at any Council Work Session or Council Meeting during the budget process. Feedback on the FY25 budget can now be submitted here from May 9th-June 13th.
FY25 Budget Approval
The Urban County Council amended the Mayor's Budget Proposal during the May 28th Committee of the Whole. The budget received first reading at the June 11th council meeting. On Thursday, June 13th Council voted to approve the FY25 Budget as amended.
Every year, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government creates and approves a new budget. The one-year period that businesses and governments use for financial reporting, accounting, and budgeting is called the Fiscal Year. For LFUCG, our Fiscal Years start July 1 and end June 30 of the following year. Therefore, Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) began on July 1, 2023 and will end on June 30, 2024.
There are many different actors that are involved throughout the budget process but ultimately the new budget must be adopted by the Urban County Council. Part of that process involves public engagement – an opportunity for residents and community members to tell LFUCG what they would like to see funded in the next year’s budget.
Public comment will be heard in person at the Mayor’s Budget Hearing on Thursday, May 9th at 6 p.m. or at any Council Work Session or Council Meeting during the budget process. Feedback on the FY25 budget can now be submitted here from May 9th-June 13th.
FY25 Budget Approval
The Urban County Council amended the Mayor's Budget Proposal during the May 28th Committee of the Whole. The budget received first reading at the June 11th council meeting. On Thursday, June 13th Council voted to approve the FY25 Budget as amended.
This survey is now closed. Thank you so much for submitting your feedback! If you have any additional comments, please share them with your Council Member.
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Joint Council/Administration Budget Retreat
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
Every February, the Mayor and Administration meets with Council Members to informally discuss their financial priorities for next year. This information helps the Mayor draft a proposed budget that will be presented in April.
Mayor's Budget Address
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At the beginning of Council's Work Session on Tuesday, April 16, Mayor Gorton will give the Annual Budget Address. This is where the Mayor proposes a draft FY25 budget to Council Members for their consideration. The Mayor's proposed budget then serves as a starting point for Council Members to recommend any changes or amendments.
Committee of the Whole 1
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At this Committee of the Whole, Council Members will meet to begin their discussions of the FY25 budget using the Mayor's Proposed Budget as a starting point. They will also be discussing their Link group assignments and upcoming meetings.
Link Meetings
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
After the Mayor's Proposed Budget comes out, Councilmembers meet in groups of three called "Links" to review budget items. They speak with all the city departments about funding priorities and any needs that may not have been addressed in the Mayor's proposal.
Public Hearing on Mayor's Proposed Budget
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At this meeting, members of the public are encouraged to come and give public input on the Mayor's Proposed Budget. Speakers can sign up to give public comment starting 30 minutes before the meeting, and each person will have three minutes to give their comments. People can yield their three minutes to another member of the public, but a speaker can only receive time from two others, for a maximum of nine minutes.
Link and Council Recommendations Due
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
By May 15th, each Link group and Council Member must finalize and submit all their budget amendment requests. These requests will be reviewed and discussed by the entire Council at their upcoming Committees of the Whole.
Committee of the Whole 2
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At this Committee of the Whole, Council Members will report out any recommended budget amendments from their link discussions. They will have the opportunity to discuss these amendments, as well as other requests from individual Council Members. This is often a lengthy discussion that spans multiple meetings.
Committee of the Whole 3
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At this Committee of the Whole, Council Members will continue any discussions that are still in process from the previous COW. Council will conclude these discussions by making a motion to adopt the Mayor's Proposed Budget as Council Members have amended it. They will then vote on whether or not to adopt the budget.
Budget First Reading
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At this meeting, the budget will receive its first reading. Each piece of legislation is required to be read before Council twice before being adopted. Councilmembers will not take any vote at this time.
Budget Second Reading
The FY25 Budget Process has finished this stage
At this meeting, the FY25 Budget will receive its final reading before Council. At this point, Council Members will take the final vote on whether or not to adopt the budget. The new budget must be adopted by June 15th.
FY25 Budget Goes Into Effect
The FY25 Budget Process is currently at this stage